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Black Berry Fever in KSA. Arabia has developed a craze for Black Berry these days. The Black Berry is listed as one of those gadgets which every youngster wants. I don’t know about rest of the Arab countries, but in KSA Saudi’s have developed the BB fever just because of the Black Berry Messenger.
The funny part is that Saudi’s hang their BB’s on their necks using colorful straps and covers every-time even on formal events which looks kind of indecent. Being so obsessed with their BB’s, guys print their BB pins on their cars and bikes and on the other hand girls hang it on their Hand Bags, waiting for someone to hit on them. Visit any mall or coffee shop; you don’t hear anything but you will for sure hear the “Ti-ding” BBM tone.
Colorful Blackberry Curve Hard Case Colorful Blackberry Curve Hard Case
Even in Religious places like mosques where everyone is busy silently worshiping, you are going to hear that “Ti-ding” for sure.
The other day I was praying in the Masjid and a Saudi guy (Shabaab) was praying next to me. Later during the prayer I hear his BB ring-“Ti-ding”. Then he removes his cell phone and starts typing a big long reply text, during the prayer which was hard to believe. Seeing him; anyone would be shocked.
By the above incident you can make sure how obsessed Saudi’s are with their Black Berry’s. Like it or not the only feature I love about the BB is the BBM itself. It really has a positive side too, I have seen large Business Corporations use it to promote their business and provide customer services.

Next time don’t forget to switch your BB to silent mode in a mosque.
🙂 these days has taken a new shape. Every kid around the street wants to be one. Back in the old days photography was an option for the rich and the expert. With the rapid advancement of technology and development of resources one can find the right tools for a quick start very easily. Almost every teenager carries with them a camera whether it be a cell phone or regular “Point and Shoot” camera.

Some P&S camera’s offer some exquisite features which can turn to be really creative. I myself had developed the passion for photography using a cell phone camera. Later I got the opportunity to upgrade.

A great Photographer once said

There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography
are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.-Ernst Haas

“Buying a Nikon doesn’t make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner

Here are some tips for amateur photographers who have recently entered the scene:

  1. You have to be determined. Your Determination is what makes you different.
  2. Look up at things in different perspective. Your camera is the viewers eye. You have to look at things in the viewers perspective
  3. Don’t worry about the picture quality, you will get through it later.
  4.  Never blame your camera and photo gear.
  5. You could always use a tripod or rest your hands at a stable object, a little shake will ruin the complete picture.
  6. Start taking pictures just by looking around your room. You have much to explore around yourself.
  7. Flash is not advisable for P&S cameras. Since over exposed pictures look really bad at times.
  8. Try to take pictures in a well-lit surrounding or try taking pictures outdoor on a bright day. Later you will learn the basics of lighting techiniques.


  9. Post your pictures on free photo sharing sites like Flickr, Photobucket etc. Expert comments provide the necessary encouragement.
  10. Ask your friends to spread your stuff. More the people see your stuff more the confidence you develop.
  11.  Try to play around with editing softwares like Photoshop and GIMP. These softwares can do stuff what PRO have built-in.
  12. Most of the P&S cameras don’t have great focus and Depth of Field. You could always use macro mode for excellent focus.
  13. When you start to feel that your photographic skills using a P&S has reached a saturation , its time you go for a DSLR.
  14. DSLR’s are often complicating at first but once you get used to it, it’s worth the pay.
  15. Look at some PRO photos to get inspired. People think its copying but it really helps.

Personally you could start by taking pictures of your car, watch, laptop, friends or anything that comes up to your mind.

Good luck shooting!!!